Thursday, January 17, 2013

Italian Thanksgiving

After weeks of planning, ordering a turkey and stuffing to be cooked for us, and finally getting my mom in town to help organize, our Italian Thanksgiving became a reality.  I think the children will definitely be confused about what is Thanksgiving and what is Christmas since we waited until Mid-December to celebrate, but it was still wonderful.  Weeks before I had Ricki write out, begrudgingly, the story of the first Thanksgiving in English.  He surprisingly read it with great enthusiasm before our feast, and I later found out it was a trade-off to shorten his grounding. All the same, props to him- he sounded like a native American (pun intended).
La mia famiglia!  My real mom was taking the picture.
A true feast: green beans, turkey, stuffing, cranberries and sweet potato fries.  My stomach is growling.

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